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SOAR Customer Portal Terms & Conditions

By using our customer portal services, you agree to these terms.


    1.  Who’s this agreement between?










    2.  What do these terms cover?

These terms cover use of our customer portal services to access your account/s, related services, and tools we make available (such as controls you set on how you want to use your account).

We will continue to improve the functionality, tools, and services available through our customer portal services.


    3.  Keeping up security

We’ll do all we reasonably can to prevent unauthorised access to your account/s through SOAR customer portal. You must also act reasonably to prevent misuse of your account/s through the portal. If you don’t, we may block your access to protect you and us from unauthorised use.

If someone else tries to access, or has accessed, your account/s through the customer portal without your permission you must contact us as soon as possible. We’ll ask you to give us information or other help and we may also give, or ask you to give, information to the police to assist with any investigation.


    4.  Upgrades and availability

From time to time, we may make changes to the customer portal service (such as introducing new features or making updates to our customer portal). Depending on the update, you may not be able to use the customer portal until you have updated your browser or software or downloaded the latest version of our customer portal. You may also need to agree to new terms if you want to continue to use the services. We’ll let you know if there is a new version of our customer portal.

The customer portal service will be available 24/7, unless:

  • we’re making changes to our systems or if we can’t provide the services for technical, security, legal or regulatory reasons or due to unusual events or circumstances beyond our reasonable control (for example, if a service provider stops providing services for any reason); or

  • your internet connection, device or network fails. The customer portal may also not be available if you do not keep it updated


     5.  What’s our liability to you?

We provide the customer portal “as is” and it’s your responsibility to use it in an appropriate way. We may also provide tools that you can use with our products and related services if you want to. We’ll take reasonable care to make sure that they work as described, but you shouldn’t solely rely on them, and we won’t be responsible if they don’t always work as you expect.


You should monitor your account regularly to check that any tools are operating in the way you expect. Our responsibility is to provide the relevant product or service in accordance with the terms. We’ll take reasonable care to ensure that any information we provide to you through the customer portal is an accurate reflection of the information we hold or, if it is provided by a third party, that it accurately reflects the information we receive. Where information is provided by a third party, we can’t guarantee that it is accurate or error free. We’ll explain when you use the customer portal if information, we provide is subject to restrictions or if we provide it on a specific basis (for example, if it’s only accurate at a particular date).

We’ll use reasonable skill and care to ensure that the customer portal is safe and secure and does not contain viruses or other damaging property, for example by incorporating security features into it, however, we can’t guarantee that this will be the case or that no damage will occur to your data, software, computer, mobile device, or other digital content.


If we fail to comply with this and you suffer loss and/or damage to your data, software, device, digital content and/or other equipment, we’ll be liable.

We won’t be responsible for:

• any equipment, software, or user documentation which someone other than us produces for use with the customer portal; and

• any service you use to access through the customer portal which we don’t control If you use the customer portal outside the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man we won’t be liable to you if this does not comply with any local laws.

We may block your access to our customer portal services if you try to access them from a country that is subject to sanctions (even if you’re only there for a short period of time).


    6.  How you can end this agreement?




















    7.  How we can end this agreement
































    8.  Changes we can make

From time to time, we may make changes to these terms (such as introducing specific charges). We need this flexibility so that we can manage our customer portal services over a long period of time. We’ll give you 2 months’ notice of any change and explain the impact. If you don’t want to accept the change, you can end this agreement and deregister from using the customer portal at any time before it comes into effect. You can delete the customer portal at any time.


If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume you’ve accepted the change, and it will take effect automatically. We’ll also make changes that we reasonably believe are to your advantage. If we do this, we’ll tell you within 30 days of making the change.


    9.  Things you should not do

You must not use our customer portal for anything other than accessing and managing your account/s. You must not:

• use it for anything illegal or inconsistent with these terms

• seek to copy, reproduce, modify, or tamper with it in any way

• attempt to make any income directly from using it

• use it on a device or computer which contains or is vulnerable to viruses or other damaging properties or which does not have up-to-date anti-virus, anti-spyware software, firewall and security patches installed on it

• use it in a way that could damage or affect our systems or security or interfere with other users, or restrict or inhibit anyone else’s use of the customer portal; or

• collect data from us or our systems or attempt to decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running any of the functions provided by our services


    10.  Other things you should know

We (and our third party) own or have a license to all content and material used on the customer portal and its arrangement.

Our customer portal gives you a non-exclusive right to use the portal, but you can’t grant any rights relating to it to anyone else. We are responsible for customer service and its content. Neither Apple Inc. nor Google Inc. have any responsibilities or obligations to you in relation to our customer portal and won’t provide any maintenance and support services for the customer portal.


    11.  Contact

If you want to talk to us about our customer portal services (for example, if you’re having technical problems) you’ll find dedicated contact details on our customer portal.


If you cannot access the contact us option through the customer portal, you should use the following contact details:

02476 551 777


We’ll use the most recent contact details you’ve given us to communicate with you (including telling you about changes to these terms). We may also contact you through the ‘My Messages’ (secure e-messaging) facility on the customer portal. If you send us a secure message, we’ll try to respond as soon as we can. If you need to contact us more quickly, please telephone us.


    12.  Privacy

Your privacy is important to CWRT. Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information and sets out your rights to your information. We provide our Privacy Notice to you separately and will inform you when we make any changes to it. You can find it at


    13. Cancellation

For a period of 14 days starting the day after you receive these terms, you have the right to cancel your agreement with us.


    14.  How we are authorised

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), our Reference Number is 743876.



Writing on Sticky Notes


The person who has registered to SOAR Customer services: Online Customer Portal

Us (or We)

Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust   ( CWRT ) and our Third Party provider, SOAR Tech Ltd

Business Colleagues


You can end this agreement and deregister from the customer portal at any time. Your right to use our customer portal will end automatically. If you do this, and you were receiving statements, documents, and correspondence from us through the customer portal, we’ll send you these on paper again.



writing to us at: Enterprise Centre

Coventry University Technology Park

Puma Way




contacting us by secure message:


You can delete our customer portal or stop using this at any time but if you want us to deregister your access you need to let us know.

Working Together

Immediately and without notice


We can do this at any time if:


• you seriously or repeatedly breach any of these terms


• all account/s or services which you can access through the customer portal have closed

By giving you at least two months’ notice


We’ll tell you why we’re ending the agreement unless it would be unlawful for us to do so.

Immediately and without notice to our customer portal service

We can also do this for our customer portal if:


• we suspect that your mobile device is not secure or contains, or is vulnerable to, viruses or malicious software


• the manufacturer of your mobile device or operating system withdraws the customer portal or we stop supporting it


• you cancel your registration for use of the customer portal  


• you do not use it for 12 months. We may ask you to sign up again


We’ll tell you if possible before we do this and why. We may not always be able to contact you, for example because of legal or regulatory restrictions.

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Unless otherwise stated, we are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in all material on the website. Reproduction of any form of content, information, imagery or data from our website is prohibited without our prior written consent. The website exists to give you information about our products and services. We will endeavour to keep the information on our website up to date. You should not rely solely on the information on this website – if in doubt about our services, please call us on 024 76551 777, we will be more than happy to talk you through the available options.

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), our Reference Number is 743876. Our company house number is 05188971.

© Copyright CWRT 2024

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Unless otherwise stated, we are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in all material on the website. Reproduction of any form of content, information, imagery or data from our website is prohibited without our prior written consent. The website exists to give you information about our products and services. We will endeavour to keep the information on our website up to date. You should not rely solely on the information on this website – if in doubt about our services, please call us on 024 76551 777, we will be more than happy to talk you through the available options.

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), our Reference Number is 743876. Our company house number is 05188971.

© Copyright CWRT 2024

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